AMAKS Staraya Russa Novgorod region
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The polyarthrosis

The polyarthrosis of the joints needs a comprehensive and long-term care. Drug treatment involves intake of anti-inflammatory drugs, injection of chondoprotective (for cartilage repair) as well as drugs improving blood circulation and metabolic processes. In severe cases of polyarthrosis assigned to surgical treatment. Effective application of the method of non-medicamental treatment. Patients with polyarthrosis shown treatment in the health institutions.

In addition to drug therapy, proper diet, proper daily routine Spa treatment is a important methods of treatment like physiotherapy. Heat treatments, hydrotherapy, balneotherapy effectively fight the further development of the disease. One of the most effective methods of combating disease is therapeutic exercise. It allows you to strengthen the muscles and thereby reduce stress on the joints, corrects posture.


  • Severe forms of lesions of bones and joints with copious discharge, severe General phenomena (hectic temperature, a sharp depletion) or amyloidosis of internal organs.
  • Polyarthritis with progressive process in the joints, with ankylosis, contractures, etc., when irreversible changes in the joints and loss of ability to self-care. Severe deformation of the joints with periclymenoides the loss of capacity for independent movement.
  • Chronic osteomyelitis in the presence of major sequestrum or large metallic foreign body in osteomyelitical lesions (the presence of small metal fragments in the surrounding soft tissue is not a contraindication to Spa treatment). Septic forms of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis with systemic lesions (viscerotomy).
  • General contra-indications excluding a direction of patients to the resorts and in local motels.

Treatment Results

The result is a comprehensive treatment can restore joint mobility and to relieve pain.

The consequences of not treating

Running disease causes a chronic pain, there are signs of synovitis, the affected part to deform. Nodules Heberden and marginal osteophytes – complications, which is difficult to cope.
The polyarthrosis – a group of diseases that affects different parts of the joints of the inner shell, cartilage, and other items. In consequence of the defeat reduced mobility of joints. The main reasons for the development of the disease are hormonal disorders, disruptions in the endocrine system, metabolic disturbances, toxic damage, injuries and regular load.
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