AMAKS Staraya Russa Novgorod region
En Ру

Diseases of ENT organs

The number of people with chronic diseases of ENT organs is growing rapidly. This is due not only to adverse environmental conditions, but also with a decrease in immunity. Modern children are more likely to suffer fr om colds, the flu and ARVI is more severe and often gives complications. It is best to get rid of them in a balneological sanatorium. One of the best places in Russia wh ere such diseases are treated is Staraya Russa.

Which ENT diseases are treated at the Staraya Russa resort?

A favorable climate, clean air, healing mineral waters and mud help patients with chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis and sinusitis. Special procedures restore hearing during tubitis, dysphonia, and hearing loss. Treatment of diseases of ENT organs in the sanatorium “Staraya Russa” allows to reduce the frequency of colds, improve nasal breathing and strengthen the immune system.

Treatment methods

The main treatment is carried out with the help of drinking mineral water, procedures with water with a higher concentration of salts, mud applications and tampons. But recently, modern procedures have been added to these traditional methods:

  • inhalation using a nebulizer;
  • electrotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • light therapy;
  • speleochamber;
  • eardrum pneumomassage;
  • fluctuation;
  • phonophoresis;
  • pressure chamber of active hyperemia.

Sanatorium staff

Almost all doctors at the resort have the highest qualification category. There are doctors of medical sciences and laureates of the medal "For merits before the Fatherland." The rest of the doctors also have extensive experience, which helps them to choose an individual treatment program for each patient. Friendly and attentive attitude to customers, help in compliance with the regime of the sanatorium is the quality of each sanatorium employee.

A visit to the “Staraya Russa” sanatorium is not only a great comfortable rest, but also a great opportunity to strengthen the immune system, improve hearing and get rid of the constant runny nose and colds.

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