AMAKS Staraya Russa Novgorod region
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Vaginal tampons with ozonized oil

Vaginal tampons with ozonized oil – a method of treatment in which the vagina is introduced a special swab with ozonized oil. At therapeutic concentrations, ozone has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress and analgesic effect, destroys bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Indications for use

The procedure is effective in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the external and internal genital organs; genital herpes; degenerative processes of the vulva in postmenopausal women, kraurosis; condylomatosis genitals; in the prevention of postoperative complications and rehabilitation in the postoperative period; in the treatment of genital candidiasis.


The procedure is contraindicated in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs; if vaginal purity 3-4 table; malignant neoplasms and suspicion of their presence; in post-abortion period (before the first menstrual period); if hyperestrogenic diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial polyp and cervical canal); cysts and ovarian cystoma; precancerous diseases of the cervix (dysplasia, leukoplakia); polycystic ovarian syndrome; hyperestrogenemia, hyperprolactinemia, hyperandrogenemia; lactation.

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