AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Reviews of the Staraya Russa resort

I took a course of spa treatment. I had a great rest, distracted from all the worries and problems. Excellent treatment and excellent nutrition. An excellent leisure program - excursions, themed entertainment evenings, visits of the Novgorod Drama Theater. The rooms are clean and cozy. A wonderful sanatorium!


We have been going to the sanatorium with my husband since 2006. So in September we will again enjoy the attention of the staff and the intoxicating air. The only wish is to resume fitness and Pilates classes. Marina led them (now she's in charge of physical therapy, it seems). Maybe I'm wrong about the name and position.


I am very glad that I went. An excellent sanatorium for any age. I was very pleased with the service, I have never seen such smiling and responsive employees anywhere else)thank you for the treatment, excellent nutrition. Excellent room in the Rachmaninov building, standard +. the territory is clean. In general, the sanatorium is in my heart. The only negative is that we didn't have time to clean the tables in the dining room, but it's so insignificant.


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