AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Reviews of the Staraya Russa resort

Wonderful territory, attentive staff, excellent procedures. Special thanks to the medical staff. In the dining room, the tables are always clean, the food is varied and delicious. Special thanks from the children to the baker for the delicious pastries. We will definitely come again.


Good afternoon! I want to thank the administration of the resort for the opportunity to sunbathe and swim on the therapeutic lake of the resort to local residents of the city. I would like to note the attentive and responsive staff, the clean and cozy territory of the beach, and also there is a request to pay attention to the promptness when issuing a pass on weekends and the possibility of a one-time visit. Thank you and hope for mutual understanding.


I had a rest in the sanatorium from February 1 to 13, the impression of the resort was good, a lot of young people work at this health factory, surprisingly friendly staff, the service is high and the living rooms are quite respectable. About feeding special respect, the food is varied for every taste and a large assortment.I especially want to mention my attending physician Agafonova Zinaida Antonovna. I am very grateful to her for her professional thoughtful approach to my appointments of procedures. She is attentive to the patient, has a relaxed conversation and explains everything very clearly why this or that procedure is necessary, thank you very much, Zinaida Antonovna, I will be glad to come and consult with you again, I wish you to work longer for the benefit of your patients.

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