AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Treatment of spondylosis in the sanatorium Staraya Russa

In order for the treatment of spondylosis to be effective, it is necessary to detect the disease in time. In the later stages, treatment is less effective. The fight against the disease is aimed at preventing further proliferation of bone tissue, eliminating painful sensations, relieving inflammation and strengthening the muscular corset. Anti-inflammatory and pain medications are usually prescribed. To prevent exacerbations and improve the quality of life of the patient, complex spa treatment is recommended.

Sanatorium programs offer various massages that help relieve pain, physiotherapy (diadynamic currents, electrophoresis, ultrasound), manual therapy, acupuncture. Treatment of spondylosis is not complete without physical therapy and special gymnastics, which has a very beneficial effect on preventing the development of the disease and improves the patient's condition as a whole.


  • Severe forms of bone and joint damage with abundant discharge, severe general phenomena (hectic temperature, severe exhaustion) or amyloidosis of internal organs.
  • Polyarthritis with a progressive process in the joints, with ankylosis, contractures, etc. with irreversible changes in the joints and loss of the ability to self-care. Severe deformities of the joints with secondary sinuses due to the loss of the ability to move independently.
  • Chronic osteomyelitis in the presence of large sequesters or a large foreign metal body in the osteomyelitic focus (the presence of small metal fragments in the surrounding soft tissues is not a contraindication for spa treatment). Septic forms of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis with systemic lesions (visceritis).
  • General contraindications that exclude the referral of patients to resorts and local sanatoriums.

Treatment results

Treatment in the sanatorium improves metabolic processes in the body. Intervertebral discs cease to change. The procedures bring long-awaited relief to the patient: pain syndrome is removed, back spasms become less intense.

Consequences of lack of treatment

Running spondylosis entails the occurrence of protrusions of discs and hernias.
Спондилез – хроническое заболевание позвоночника, характеризующееся деформацией позвонков за счет нарастания вокруг них костной ткани. Нарушение обмена веществ, травмы позвоночника, пребывание в одной позе длительное время – основные причины развития спондилеза.
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