AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Treatment of gouty, psoriatic, infectious arthritis in the sanatorium Staraya Russa

Any type of arthritis requires medical supervision and comprehensive treatment. First of all, it is necessary to treat the cause of arthritis (to fight infection, gout or psoriasis). To reduce joint pain and stiffness, you should also turn to a medical treatment method. Staying in health resorts is an effective method of combating various types of arthritis.

Therapy in the sanatorium is based on special physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UV irradiation), in addition, the patient is under constant supervision of doctors and receives medical treatment. A proper, balanced diet helps not only to cope with the disease, but also, in general, to improve the condition of the body.


  • Severe forms of bone and joint damage with abundant discharge, severe general phenomena (hectic temperature, severe exhaustion) or amyloidosis of internal organs.
  • Polyarthritis with a progressive process in the joints, with ankylosis, contractures, etc. with irreversible changes in the joints and loss of the ability to self-care. Severe deformities of the joints with secondary sinuses due to the loss of the ability to move independently.
  • Chronic osteomyelitis in the presence of large sequesters or a large foreign metal body in the osteomyelitic focus (the presence of small metal fragments in the surrounding soft tissues is not a contraindication for spa treatment). Septic forms of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis with systemic lesions (visceritis).
  • General contraindications that exclude the referral of patients to resorts and local sanatoriums.

Treatment results

The disease is accompanied by severe pain, therefore, the first results that our patients notice are a significant decrease in it. Comprehensive measures (splinting on the affected area, medications, mud therapy), allow to accelerate cell regeneration.

Consequences of lack of treatment

The neglected disease can develop into rheumatoid arthritis, with significant joint deformity. After that, the remaining joints are affected, which is called rheumatoid polyarthritis, leading to disability of the patient.
Артрит сустава – воспалительное заболевание сустава, иногда влекущее за собой тяжелые последствия. Подагрический артрит – артрит, возникающий при хроническом течении подагры. В основном, развивается у мужчин 40-50 лет и локализуется в области пальцев стопы, голеностопных и лучезапястных суставов. Псориатический артрит поражает межфаланговые суставы кистей и стоп, кроме того наблюдаются псориатические изменения кожи. Инфекционный артрит, как правило, поражает коленные суставы и кисти рук и протекает с повышением температуры и ознобом.
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