AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Treatment of polyarthrosis in the sanatorium Staraya Russa

Polyarthrosis of the joints needs complex and long-term treatment. Drug treatment involves taking anti-inflammatory drugs, injections of chondoprotectors (to restore cartilage), as well as medications that improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. In severe cases of polyarthrosis, surgical treatment is prescribed. The use of non-drug treatment is also effective. Patients with polyarthrosis are shown treatment in sanatorium institutions.

In addition to drug therapy, proper diet, proper daily routine, spa treatment involves such important methods of treatment as physiotherapy. Thermal procedures, hydrotherapy, balneotherapy effectively combat the further development of the disease. One of the most effective methods of combating the disease is physical therapy. It allows you to strengthen the muscles and thereby reduce the load on the joints, corrects posture.


  • Severe forms of bone and joint damage with abundant discharge, severe general phenomena (hectic temperature, severe exhaustion) or amyloidosis of internal organs.
  • Polyarthritis with a progressive process in the joints, with ankylosis, contractures, etc. with irreversible changes in the joints and loss of the ability to self-care. Severe deformities of the joints with secondary sinuses due to the loss of the ability to move independently.
  • Chronic osteomyelitis in the presence of large sequesters or a large foreign metal body in the osteomyelitic focus (the presence of small metal fragments in the surrounding soft tissues is not a contraindication for spa treatment). Septic forms of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis with systemic lesions (visceritis).
  • General contraindications that exclude the referral of patients to resorts and local sanatoriums.

Treatment results

As a result of complex treatment, it is possible to restore joint mobility and relieve pain.

Consequences of lack of treatment

A neglected disease generates chronic pain, signs of synovitis appear, the affected parts are deformed. Heberden nodules and marginal osteophytes are complications that are difficult to cope with.
Полиартроз – группа заболеваний, поражающая разные части суставов: внутренние оболочки, хрящи и другие элементы. В следствие поражения снижается подвижность суставов. Основными причинами развития болезни являются гормональные нарушения, сбои в деятельности эндокринной системы, нарушение обменных процессов, токсическое поражение, травмы и регулярные нагрузки.
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