AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Treatment of chronic rhinitis in the sanatorium Staraya Russa

Most often, chronic rhinitis can be managed at home, but in cases with a high degree of severity, surgical intervention has to be resorted to. Basically, the treatment of rhinitis is reduced to medication and physiotherapy. It is not uncommon for patients with chronic rhinitis to visit sanatoriums.

Spa programs offer various methods of physiotherapy, for example, magnetotherapy, thermal procedures, electrophoresis, acupuncture. Also, hardening procedures and staying in the fresh air have a beneficial effect. An important step on the way to recovery is respiratory gymnastics, which will not only help to overcome the disease, but also become a good prevention of diseases of the respiratory system.


  • All diseases of the ear, throat, nose in the acute stage and the stage of exacerbation, complicated by acute purulent processes.
  • Chronic epi- and mesotimpanitis.
  • General contraindications that exclude referral to resorts and local sanatoriums.

Treatment results

Treatment in the sanatorium allows you to achieve a lasting result. Relapse of rhinitis occurs much less frequently. A person regains the ability to breathe freely, without the use of vasoconstrictors.

Consequences of lack of treatment

Advanced rhinitis may require surgical intervention. When vasoconstrictors do not help, a real torment begins. The patient is literally suffocating. In addition, performance is disrupted, and sleep becomes restless, frequent headaches due to lack of oxygen.
Хронический ринит –длительное воспаление слизистой оболочки носа. Заболевание может продолжаться от нескольких недель до нескольких месяцев. К причинам возникновения хронического ринита относят воздействие раздражителей в течение долго времени, например, пыли, сигаретного дыма, химических веществ, искривление перегородки носа, гормональные сбои.
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