AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Treatment of chronic sinusitis in the sanatorium Staraya Russa

Most often, drug therapy is sufficient for the treatment of chronic sinusitis, but in some cases surgical intervention is resorted to. Drug therapy is reduced to the selection of vasoconstrictors and the use of antibiotics. In this disease, physiotherapy is an effective method. In addition, to achieve optimal results during treatment, it is recommended to stay in warm rooms with high humidity. All these conditions are observed in sanatoriums.

Spa treatment involves not only a competent selection of medications, but also special physiotherapy procedures such as magnetotherapy, warming up, diadynamic currents and UHF therapy. It is worth emphasizing that with polypous and cystic sinusitis, physiotherapy is contraindicated. The sanatoriums also offer the necessary climatic conditions and a proper diet, which, in combination with other methods of treatment, make it possible to achieve positive dynamics in the process of recovery.


  • All diseases of the ear, throat, nose in the acute stage and the stage of exacerbation, complicated by acute purulent processes.
  • Chronic epi- and mesotimpanitis.
  • General contraindications that exclude referral to resorts and local sanatoriums.

Treatment results

Sinusitis is treated, even in advanced stages, only much longer. The sooner you see a doctor, the faster the recovery process will go. By discharge, all patients of our sanatorium breathe freely and easily.

Consequences of lack of treatment

The danger of the disease is that sinusitis causes complications from the internal organs. The liver, heart, kidneys and lungs suffer.
Хронический синусит – это хроническое воспаление синусов (околоносовых пазух). Причинами воспалительных процессов могут быть разные факторы: длительный ринит (насморк), искривление носовой перегородки, аллергия, очаг инфекции.
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