AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
Version for
visually impaired
En Ру

Treatment of tubotitis in the sanatorium Staraya Russa

Treatment of tubootitis involves regular disinfection of the mucous membrane of the middle ear and the use of vasoconstrictors. It is also important to follow the correct procedure of marking, in order to prevent infection from entering the tympanic cavity. To increase the body's resistance, immunomodulators are prescribed. With the right selection of treatment, a positive effect is achieved after 3 to 5 days.

To prevent tubootitis and combat its acute phase, it is also effective to undergo sanatorium treatment. Sanatorium physiotherapy allows you to avoid unpleasant symptoms and cope with the disease as quickly as possible. Usually, microcurrents, magnetotherapy, electrical stimulation and laser therapy are prescribed for the treatment of tubotitis. An important factor in prevention is hardening and strengthening the body as a whole. Sanatorium programs include outdoor walks, proper balanced nutrition and healthy physical activity.


  • All diseases of the ear, throat, nose in the acute stage and the stage of exacerbation, complicated by acute purulent processes.
  • Chronic epi- and mesotimpanitis.
  • General contraindications that exclude referral to resorts and local sanatoriums.

Treatment results

The result will be noticeable only if the deviations are eliminated in time. Doctors remove pus from the ear and the inflammation subsides. In this connection, hearing is normalized.

Consequences of lack of treatment

A neglected turbotitis can develop into a chronic one. Doctors note persistent hearing impairment and retraction of the eardrum.
Тубоотит, или евстахиит - воспалительный процесс, протекающий в слуховой трубе. Болезнь влечет за собой нарушение вентиляции в среднем ухе, что становится причиной падения слуха. Тубоотит – это последствия насморка, ангины, или фарингита.
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