AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome in the sanatorium Staraya Russa

One of the most important conditions for the treatment of sciatica is to provide rest to the patient, since pain can greatly increase in movement. For the same purpose, a fixing corset is used. A medical method of treatment is used: the use of anti-inflammatory, painkillers. During the period of improvement of the condition, physiotherapy and other non-drug measures are also effective. Treatment in sanatorium-resort conditions is shown.

Sanatoriums, as well as possible, cope with the treatment of radiculitis, as they provide a full range of necessary measures. The patient is in a state of complete rest, spends most of the time in bed. Medication is prescribed, as well as physiotherapy, which includes phonophoresis, galvanic current, reflexology and other procedures. Mud and rhodon baths, paraffin therapy, warming up are shown. Manual therapy is effective, which helps to increase the lumen between the nerves.


  • Diseases of the nervous system of infectious, vascular, traumatic, demyelinating nature in the acute period of the disease, as well as in any period in the presence of pronounced motor disorders (paralysis and deep cuts that prevent independent movement), trophic disorders and impaired function of gas organs.
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (pronounced clinical signs).
  • Syringobulbia, syringomyelia, parkinsonism and other degenerative diseases, multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases of the nervous system with a progressive course, with motor and pelvic disorders and dementia.
  • Consequences of spinal cord injuries and diseases:
    a) a complete break of the spinal cord
    b) traumatic cachexia
    c) acute or chronic urinary retention requiring catheterization of the bladder
    d) chronic osteomyelitis requiring surgical intervention
    e) severe renal dysfunction, urosepsis
    f) drug addiction.
  • The consequences of injuries and diseases of the brain with significant disorders of motor functions, episyndrome.
  • Diseases of the nervous system accompanied by mental disorders (psychoses expressed hypochondriac, depressive, obsessive-compulsive disorders).
  • Epilepsy and episyndrome with various forms of seizures.
  • Tumors of the nervous system.

Treatment results

In almost all cases, treatment in Staraya Russa relieves the patient from sciatica. Doctors manage to relieve inflammation of the nerve roots and prevent the development of complications.

Consequences of lack of treatment

The most terrible thing that can lead to sciatica is a spinal cord infarction, which disrupts the sensitivity of the spinal cord and leads to disability of the patient.
Радикулит – воспаление нервных корешков межпозвоночных отверстий. Наиболее частая причина возникновения радикулита – остеохондроз, иногда на появление заболевания влияют травмы, и грыжи. Причиной полирадикулита чаще всего становится сбой в иммунной системе. Полирадикулопатия вызывает поясничный стеноз (сужение кровеносных сосудов).
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