AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Respiratory diseases

Polluted air in cities, unfavorable environmental conditions and a sedentary lifestyle lead to disruption of the bronchi and lungs. Such diseases are best treated at balneological resorts in central Russia with clean air and mineral springs. One of the most famous sanatoriums that meet these requirements is Staraya Russa. It is located in an ecologically clean place away from major cities, on the territory of an old noble estate with a beautiful park.

What diseases can be cured at the Staraya Russa resort?

The combination of natural, climatic and modern technological factors makes treatment at the resort effective in 98% of cases. The frequency of attacks with bronchial asthma decreases, cough with chronic bronchitis passes. A patient with bronchiectatic disease and obstructive pulmonary disease becomes easier to breathe. The respiratory tract is cleared of mucus and toxins, their activity is restored.

Why is the treatment of such diseases effective in a sanatorium

For patients with impaired respiratory system functions, the climatic factors that surround them are very important. Clean air, saturated with mineral salts, allows you to breathe freely, a mild continental climate eliminates the need for acclimatization. The wealth of the resort is special mineral waters and healing mud. They help to establish metabolic processes and blood circulation, restore lung function and clear them of mucus. Treatment of respiratory diseases in the sanatorium "Staraya Russa" is carried out with the help of individual programs. The most effective procedures are:

  • halocamera;
  • charcot shower;
  • aromatic baths;
  • inhalations;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • local barotherapy;
  • Physical therapy and massage;
  • ozone therapy.

Sanatorium staff

This resort is the oldest in Russia. There are many author's methods of treatment, rich traditions. All the doctors of the sanatorium have extensive work experience and high qualifications. The friendly attitude of the staff to each patient allows him not only to heal, but also to have a good rest.

Come to Staraya Russa and it will immediately become easier to breathe!

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