AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Treatment of endo- (myo-) metritis, parametritis in the sanatorium Staraya Russa

Treatment of metritis is, first of all, drug therapy (anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics). Rinsing of the uterine cavity with antiseptic solutions and restorative therapy are also prescribed. At the end of the acute period, it is recommended to undergo a sanatorium-resort recovery.

Spa programs aimed at the treatment of metritis include a balanced diet and a normalized sleep and rest regime, which helps the body recover faster. The healing process is well affected by physiotherapy procedures with therapeutic mud, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, laser treatment. Restorative therapy is also effective, for example, physical therapy and massages.


  • Malignant neoplasms and suspicions of their presence.
  • Post-abortion period (before the first menstruation).
  • Erosion and erosionectropion of the cervix in the absence of conditions for a thorough special examination in order to exclude oncopathology.
  • Polyp of the cervix and body of the uterus.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
  • Cysts and ovarian cysts.
  • Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, fibrocystic mastopathy, requiring surgical treatment.
  • Vesicovaginal and vaginal-thick/thin-intestinal fistulas.
  • Precancerous diseases of the female genital organs.
  • The condition after surgery for malignant neoplasms of the female genital organs.
  • General contraindications that exclude the referral of patients to resorts and local sanatoriums.

Treatment results

Endometritis is a common female disease that can be treated. With the help of medicines and restorative procedures, it is possible to relieve the inflammatory process and relieve the patient from pain. It is important that endometritis cured in time will not entail its complication – parametritis.

Consequences of lack of treatment

The lack of proper treatment will cause damage to the tubes and ovaries. Against the background of a neglected disease, peritonitis, sepsis develops. Eventually, the gynecological area is affected by adhesions that disrupt the reproductive system and intestines. Hence – ectopic pregnancy, infertility.
Эндометрит, или миометрит – воспаление мышечной оболочки матки, причиной которого становятся аборты, осложненные роды, механические манипуляции внутри матки. Параметрит – осложненная форма эндометрита, когда инфекция распространяется на серозную оболочку (соединительно-эпителиальная ткань) и на окружающие влагалище ткани.
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