AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Local cryotherapy (hyperbaric chamber of active hyperemia)

Local cryotherapy (hyperbaric chamber of active hyperemia) is a treatment method that includes exposure to a certain area of the body with cold. The patient releases the affected area from clothing. Nearby areas are wrapped up with a blanket. The time of exposure to dry cold on the treatment area is 2-6 minutes, the course of procedures is 10-12. After the end of the procedure, the impact zone is wrapped with a blanket until the sensation of heat in the tissues. The main therapeutic effect of local cryotherapy is to reduce swelling and pain in the patient by enhanced heat exchange.

Indications for use

  • Rheumatology:
    inflammatory arthritis, acute attacks of rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, bursitis, gout, non-inflammatory arthrosis, acute peritendinitis of the shoulder joint, myalgia, acute epicondylitis, lumboishialgia, dorsalgia, sacralgia, acute lumbago, acute cervical syndrome.
  • Surgery:
    oral and maxillofacial surgery, prevention of cases of edema formation at the site of fresh fractures, postoperative recovery.
  • Orthopedics, traumatology:
    recovery, sprains, contusions, bruises, muscle sprains, dislocations, all injuries of joints and ligaments, Sudek atrophy (acute bone atrophy), lymphoedema after masectomy, prevention of symptoms of irritation, acute inflammation.
  • Sports Medicine:
    recent sports injuries, soft tissue injuries, ligament and joint injuries (in particular, muscle contusions, traumatic bursitis, shoulder epicondylitis, dynamic injuries of the cervical spine).


Therapy is contraindicated in peripheral vascular diseases in which arterial circulation is impaired (endarteritis, obliterating atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels, Raynaud's disease); thrombophlebitis; systemic blood diseases; cold intolerance. It is also contraindicated for children under five years of age.

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