AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Shock wave therapy

Shock wave therapy (UVT) is a relatively new method of treating various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The principle of operation of UHT is based on the use of sound waves with medicinal properties. Waves improve metabolic processes, stimulate blood circulation, and increase the protective properties of cells. The treatment course depends on the disease and consists of 3-8 procedures, the maximum period of time allowed is 1 week.

Indications for use

The procedure is effective in the treatment of deforming osteoarthritis (arthrosis) of large joints; osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine; heel spur (plantar fasciitis); sports injuries of the bone-ligamentous-articular apparatus (during rehabilitation); shoulder-scapular periarthropathy; rehabilitation of fractures (in case of delayed bone fusion); in the treatment of synovitis of various joints (provided that this disease was not caused by infection); trochanteritis; Schlatter's disease (osteochondropathy of the tibia); tennis elbow syndrome; golfer's hand syndrome; flat feet; during rehabilitation after joint replacement surgery (with persistent pain); with myofascial syndrome.


Therapy is contraindicated in oncological diseases of the area that is supposed to be affected by shock waves; pregnancy; acute infections; blood diseases and high fragility of blood vessels; the presence of a pacemaker; in areas of bone growth.

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