AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Reviews of the Staraya Russa resort

I have been to the sanatorium with my husband about 10 times and this speaks for itself. So everything is fine. This is the best sanatorium ! Today I want to thank the very responsible and attentive girls from the sales department Anna and Olga with the choice of a ticket.

Irina, Saint-Petersburg

This is not the first time we have come to Staraya Russa. Our choice fell on this resort because of the child. He is a schoolboy and I wanted him to rest and get positive during the holidays, and not sit at home in gadgets. There is such a wonderful atmosphere, food and most importantly animators! Our son forgot about everything, he participates in all entertainment programs, master classes, discos and shows! And what crafts have never been repeated! The animators are such good fellows, funny, positive! Even we parents couldn't resist and participated in the entertainment! Many thanks to all the staff for wanting to come back here again and again!

Natalya, Moscow

Thank you so much for a good rest. Special thanks to the girls of the spa zone, Veronika, Olga and Natasha. I also thank Irina for stretching classes. I will be glad to use your services again in the future.

Irina, Saint-Petersburg

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