AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Reviews of the Staraya Russa resort

I have been to the resort 9 times. This September I'm going again.I want to thank the people working in the sanatorium for their attention and kindness.


I was with the children in December 2012 under the immunity enhancement program, 1000 rubles per person per day with food and treatment. We all really liked it. If there are such discounts, we will also take all the relatives with us. It's a pity that there are no discounts for large families, so we would come more often. Thanks to all the staff well done.


I am very grateful for the treatment, maintenance and organization of leisure to All employees of the sanatorium!!! Very polite, competent, professional and attentive staff!!! I especially want to mention the organization of leisure in the sanatorium and recommend that you attend public speaking classes with Maria. As well as yoga classes performed by her, bring high results, as an additional therapy for rehabilitation after various types of diseases and injuries. Very professional, educated, constantly striving for development and implementing many innovative ideas that are present in European-level sanatoriums, Maria, helps a lot in recovering from injuries physically and morally. Thank you Maria. We wish you further success and all the best!!!

Svetlana, G. Veliky Luki

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