AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Reviews of the Staraya Russa resort

Just returned with my husband from the resort, rested for 10 days, very satisfied. The rooms are newly renovated (3rd building), delicious buffet food, the number of procedures is just right, there are no queues in front of the offices. In the evenings, various activities, mostly free for guests, there are also excursions for a small extra.payment. Thanks to all the staff!


We were with my wife in May 2013. We lived in the 6th building, the room is nice with all amenities, the maid is very conscientious and friendly.The food in the dining room was quite satisfactory to us, delicious and varied, lots of drinks, various salads, flour products and even ice cream. Every day there are movies or various concerts in the concert hall.As for the treatment, it is at the highest level.We express our gratitude to the doctors, nurses and all the service staff.You can write a lot about the territory, the park, the beach.Everything is at the proper level. So, in 2014, only in Staraya Russa. The only shame is that we were unlucky with the weather, it was raining. See you soon.


We were with my daughter at the resort according to the weekend Spa tour program.I liked it very much, we were delighted with the procedures, food and the kind attitude of the staff to the vacationers.But there is a wish to include a mud procedure in the program, unfortunately we were refused even for an additional fee.And so everything is great, I plan to use the weekend program more than once. Thank you all!


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