AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Reviews of the Staraya Russa resort

With gratitude to the staff of the Staraya Russa resort How many joys on the heart Received at the sanatorium. Well, first of all, Dr. Olga She assigned us all the best. Procedures couldn't be better. And the nurses are attentive to us. There seemed to be no time to go through everything. Even if you get up in advance. "Dostoevsky" is a haven for us. The number on the far left is highlighted. The far right is a Restorant! You've never seen anything like it. All the food is undoubtedly delicious, There is a variety of vegetables.. Your cooks are skilled, Better than in the whole of Eurasia. The rooms are cozy for everyone, Everything is appropriate, right down to the hair dryer. The tone is the same, The key is special – modern. And in the pool all the moments They appear as a wonderful fairy tale. Everything here is great, no doubt. Come here! They will meet you kindly… Guests from Gatchina V.V. and N.M. Kamaev November 2018. Staraya Russa

Natalya, Gatchina

I, Irina, came to the resort from the Pine Forest of the Leningrad region, was treated in November 2018. I decided to add anti-cellulite massage to the main procedures, which I chose in the SPA salon "Russa Style". Olga was my massage therapist. She has wonderful hands! I really liked the massage. The massage therapist's techniques are strictly directed. The movements are easy and continuous. From softer to stronger. This has improved the elasticity, appearance and texture of the skin. The technique is very well chosen, they are different, but such a massage, which I had, also has a stunning relaxing effect. I've had so many massages from different specialists. But I can say that he is a master of his craft. The only thing is that there is little information on the resort's website about this and other procedures, about wonderful masters, such as massage therapist Olga of the SPA salon, whom I recommended to my friends, assuming treatment in your salon in the future.

Irina, Pine Forest of the Leningrad region

It was not the first time I had a rest at the resort. I want to express my gratitude to the doctor Cherkasova Irina Vladimirovna for her sensitive and attentive attitude to vacationers. I would like to express my gratitude to Oksana Kostina, the waiter of the Mendeleev restaurant, for her responsible, conscientious attitude to her business.

Lyudmila Viktorovna, Chudovo

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