AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Reviews of the Staraya Russa resort

I express my deep gratitude to the head of the security service Andrey Vyacheslavovich for his attentive attitude to vacationers, responsibility and professionalism in his work. I wish you health, success, patience and ask the management to thank him and encourage him financially.


I would like to express my special gratitude to Abramova Margarita Avenirovna, a nurse of the SUV, for her sensitive, attentive and understanding attitude to vacationers.Thanks to all the employees of the restaurant. The food was very tasty, a wide variety of dishes.Physical therapy classes were conducted at an excellent professional level.We had a rest in October 2017.

I rested in your sanatorium for the 2nd time.Thank you to the entire staff of the sanatorium for their professionalism and for the sincere approach to each vacationer. Many thanks to the attending physician Mironova Galina Yurievna for the selected treatment program. The sanatorium has been getting better and better in recent years, both in terms of treatment and in terms of recreation. The service is on top !


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