AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Reviews of the Staraya Russa resort

I want to advise the master of women's haircuts Valery.He understands what you need at a glance. Does not get sick so often with the disease inherent in stylists — chatter. But he can always advise something, tell you what is fashionable now, make a joke in time.

How cool you came up with a webcam in the reception! I watched with pleasure the receipt of a voucher by my wife!))) You can always arrange a video connection (albeit one-way)!


P.13.07.15 -23.07.15 Rested in the sanatorium for 10 days in the 1st building --thank you!!I liked everything!Bad luck with the weather, but the availability of procedures and "busy" brightened everything up.Especially visiting the Aquacenter is Great!We have been resting for the second year and probably not the last.Thanks! Special thanks to Dr. Svetlana Mikhailovna Babina-thank you Doctor!Special thanks to the masseur, the staff of the local pressure chamber.Big greetings and thanks to the maids and attendants of the 1st building.Thanks to Staraya Russa!!

Morozova Gael Iosifovna

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