AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Reviews of the Staraya Russa resort

The resort is wonderful!!! Leisure, evenings, discos are all a thing of the past.Go-go discos for locals!vacationers have nowhere to spend the evening!administration-sort it out pzhta!!!


We went on a sanatorium-resort voucher. Despite the holidays, we only had time to run through the procedures =) We lived in building 10. The room was wonderful, with 2 beds and a sofa that could be unfolded if necessary. Shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator, hairdryer, towels, diapers (for procedures and classes). In general, a complete set! The treatment is decent, there were enough procedures on the ticket. The sports pool was used only 1 time, so the second time they bought it at their own expense (660 rubles / 2 hours). The staff is friendly, the food in the dining room is very tasty and healthy (quite rarely these two concepts are combined, but this is the case here). The territory is spacious, there is solid nature around, lakes, birds, even there is a mini-"zoo". Climatotherapy in full! Silence, tranquility, measured pace of the day - everything you need for a relaxing holiday! And even a rare run through the procedures does not spoil the impression. We were very satisfied and will be happy to return for more days. Thank you, Staraya Russa!

We had a rest with my husband in May 2014, in May 2015 we are going again, this time in an expanded composition, we invited our parents with us. Rest and treatment are effective, well-being and mood have noticeably improved. The friendly girl finished the paperwork in a few minutes. In the 6th building, the room is cozy and clean, comfortable furniture. The park was treated from mosquitoes and ticks, so the walks were pleasant.Food for every taste.On the balcony they drank tea, listened to nightingales and breathed extraordinary air. Thanks to all the employees for their care!


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