AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Reviews of the Staraya Russa resort

From the bottom of our hearts we would like to thank the manager Mikhailova Anna Sergeevna, the staff of the aquacenter for their care, hospitality and attentiveness to our children who visited the aquacenter on April 08, 2015. The children are very happy. We live nearby, in a neighboring area, and once we did not think that there was such beauty nearby.According to the stories of children and accompanying adults, the best holiday has not yet been invented. Good health to all and successful work.

parents of schoolchildren

Rest in August 2014 , it was the first time and far from the last. Rest after the accident of the DPT, everything really helped. Thanks to the resort.


Vacationed with my husband from 23 /02 to 12 /03, lived in building 6. Very satisfied. Good treatment, very decent nutrition - everything is delicious and varied. The room is clean, cleaning is regular, bed linen was changed every 5 days. It is a great pleasure to walk through a beautiful well-groomed park with poods. Many thanks to the service staff! We left with the confidence that we would come again.


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