AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
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Reviews of the Staraya Russa resort

For the first time I rested in a sanatorium. The choice fell on Staraya Russa because in Russia I did not find sanatoriums with a rehabilitation program for my disease. It's nice that I wasn't disappointed, despite some nuances. The room, meals, procedures are all very decent. There are no queues, attentive and friendly attitude of the service staff. Thank you very much! I hope to visit this sanatorium again.

She was treated in a sanatorium from June 7 to June 20, 2014. There was a very good impression of the sanatorium: treatment, food, service, sightseeing, and various activities - everything is very wonderful. If someone needs mineral water to treat dirt, then it's here, in Staraya Russa. Very wonderful medical staff at the resort, on any procedures, Anna does massage very well. A large territory with 4 mineral lakes, its own beach. Additionally, you can take paid procedures. Thank you all very much. Development of your sanatorium. The treatment helped me. I will definitely come here again.


We are resting on a 3-day "SPA tour". We have been there many times before, the last time about three years ago. We are pleasantly surprised by the changes for the better. Reasonable solutions with care for vacationers, work with staff, material investments are visible everywhere. There is still a lot of work and there are enough shortcomings, but the direction is right and the efforts are noticeable. I wanted to come again, for a longer period.


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