AMAKS "Staraya Russa" Novgorod region
En Ру

Indications for treatment

List of diseases

Diseases of the female genital organs
Skin diseases
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and musculoskeletal system
Diseases of ENT organs
Diseases of the nervous system
Respiratory diseases
Diseases of the digestive system
Diseases of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders
Beauty and health

One of the oldest resorts in the north-west of Russia is Staraya Russa. It is located 100 km from Novgorod on the territory of a noble estate in a beautiful park. The combination of healing natural and climatic factors and modern equipment of the resort provides a comfortable stay and effective restoration of health.

Who needs to come to the sanatorium?

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in a beautiful picturesque place with clean air, you can relax from worries. And unique mineral waters and healing mud help to cure many diseases. Treatment in the sanatorium "Staraya Russa" is effective for metabolic and digestive disorders, diseases of the nervous and respiratory system. Special techniques help to restore health during stress, neurosis, infertility and pain in the spine. The most effective are Old Russian mud and mineral waters for gastritis, obesity, arthritis, psoriasis and chronic bronchitis. Special procedures help to improve the condition of the skin and hair, get rid of cellulite and excess weight.

Methods of treatment in the sanatorium "Staraya Russa"

The main healing factors of the sanatorium are mineral waters and therapeutic mud. For treatment in Staraya Russa, methods that have proven their effectiveness over many years of use are used.

  • The main thing is climatic factors. The location of the resort provides patients with a comfortable stay that does not require acclimatization. Fresh air, rich in bromine and magnesium ions, as well as beautiful nature allow you to relax from the hustle and bustle of the city.
  • "Staraya Russa" is a balneological resort. The treatment is effective thanks to the healing mineral waters. These are drinking chloride magnesium-calcium-sodium waters. Bromine water for baths, irrigation and showers. But the main asset of the resort is the sulfide-silt mud "Old Russian", which has no analogues in the world in terms of efficiency.
  • Physiotherapy treatment in the sanatorium is provided with modern equipment. These are devices for ampliimpulse and decimeter therapy, halocamera, electrophoresis, UFO, laser therapy, darsonvalization.
  • Physical therapy, gym classes, swimming pool, Nordic walking, various types of massage and psychotherapy are also widely used.

Resort staff

The sanatorium "Staraya Russa" has a long tradition and author's methods of treatment. All the doctors of the sanatorium are highly qualified and experienced. There are specialists who have been awarded the medal "For Services to the Fatherland". But in addition to high qualifications, the staff of the sanatorium is distinguished by kindness, warmth and attentive attitude to patients.

The resort is popular due to its unique therapeutic factors, a large number of daily procedures and a warm homely atmosphere. In "Staraya Russa" you can improve your health and have a good rest.

Choose from the above list the body system to which the disease you are interested in belongs, after which you will be able to get acquainted with information about the possibilities of its treatment in the Staraya Russa resort.

Please note that the appointment of procedures for Resort guests over 70 years old is made only after consultation with the attending physician at the initial reception on the day of check-in.

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